Marhaba Fashionistas! Hope you are doing great during this quarantine by taking all the precautions recommended by the health authorities in your country!
One of the questions and compliments that I often get on day to day is always about my eye shadows... let me see the color?, close your eyes so I can see the color?, wow how nice is that color! I need to get this palette!, etc etc... I'm not a makeup artist and I'm very far from being one because I am a mess with my eyebrows and such but I do love makeup since I was a little girl and as a matter of fact did few courses while I was in school back in my country Venezuela!... So today I will be sharing with you few of my favorite palettes that I have purchased several times and that I use on daily basis!
Palette #1 on my list! #Hudabeauty The New Nude Eyeshadow Palette
Here is the link where you can buy it:
Here is the link where you can buy it:
Palette # 3 Milani Pure Passion Eyeshadow Palette
Here is the link where you can buy it:
Let me know if you would like me to do some tutorials again I am not a makeup artist but I can show you how I use them and maybe we can do together some tutorials online from makeup artists using the same palettes!
Hope you like it... till next time!
Jodie Aboud-Hamza